Week 1: Drafting:
Basic elements are drawing, dimensions, and notes
Day 1: Blueprints
Blueprints are manufacturing instructions; they transform ideas into products.
Views: Conventions:
- The 2 dimensional representation of a 3 dimensional object.
- Learning to visualize in 3 dimensions from 2 dimensional representation of part.
- Top, Front, Side, with straight line projection between views.
- Orthographic versus isometric, brief discussion on perspectives.
- Orthographic: separate views that are in line and perpendicular to each other.
- Solidworks calls this the trimetric view.
- Isometric: single point of view, or perspective.
- Do work sheets from pages 18-21 in book.
- Sketch (pencil and paper) 3-4 different parts which we will supply.
- Instructor to provide rough block with marked faces approximating part.
- Hidden lines, sections.
- Do an isometric of a slightly more complex part.
Day 2: Dimensions:
- Conventions: A dimension is normally made up of 2 extension lines, a dimension line, and a measurement number. Dimension line has arrowheads. Today, always use decimals, not fractions. May be inch or metric.
- Base line systems: all dimensions originating from known location, usually either corner of part, or center.
- Discussion of the reasons for this: cnc machines, difference between absolute and incremental, dimensions arranged so they can easily be entered into cnc.
- Hidden lines, center lines, section lines, break lines.
- Conventions for, and review of, standard symbols. P. 83, p.162.
- Blind holes, thru holes, counter bores, countersinks, tapped holes.
- Sketch each on white board. If it doesn’t have to be blind, then it’s cheaper to make it through.
- Brief intro to verniers, mics, measuring
- Take moderately complex part supplied and sketch it accurately in 3 views with dimensions correctly placed by measuring the part.
Day 3: Tolerances:
An allowable variation to a part, based on use or function of the part, and on cost.
- Why they’re necessary, and why some of them are not. You don’t need 4 places for clearance for a ¼-20, but might need it for a shaft fit.
- Conventions: 2 place decimal = .010, 3 place decimal = .005
- Methods of displaying on the drawing.
- 3 types: plus or minus shown with a dimension, max and minimum limits, only max or minimum limits.
- Tolerances may be displayed within a separate title block, in a separate note, or as a dimension.
- Layout: scribes, squares, transfer punch, dykem,
- Intro to solidworks: open software, show tutorials, let them play.
Week 2: Intro to Machines
Day 1:
Safety. Go over and over every element of the safety hand out. Intro to simple machines; i.e. drill press, grinder, band saw, belt sander. Work holding, avoiding merry-go-rounds on the drill press. Always clamp the work piece. More on mics, verniers, pin gauges, including depth mics, inside mics. Layout and cut rough pieces for future milling and lathe work, deburr.
Day 2:
Safety again. Let them see what it feels like to work with different materials on the simple machines. Drilling, center drills. Drill .375 hole in aluminum, copper, plastic, and stainless. Hand tapping on the drill press in aluminum and stainless. Use of tapping fluids. Drilling plastics. Deburring rough cut parts. Countersinking drilled holes.
Day 3:
Safety again. Intro to Milling machine. Components of machine. Tool changing, tool holders, types of end mills. Four flute versus 2 flute. Stop the machine before chip removal or measuring. Climb versus conventional milling. Intro to dial indicator, and square up the vise…each student to square the vise. Basic operation of the machine. How to move x, y, and the quill. Raising and lowering the table. How to change tools. How to change rpm. Why to change tools and rpm. Use of coolant and lubricants. Each student to run mill through stainless, aluminum, plastic.
Week 3: Milling
Day 1:
Safety again. Discussion on tramming the head, or adjusting it to perpendicular, and why it’s necessary. Running the machine through different materials with different tool, feeds, and speeds. Clamping and holding work. Explanation of tool diameters, offsets, and tool compensation. Each student to square up rough cut chunk of aluminum, squaring all 6 sides to an accurate dimension, using previously squared vise.
Day 2:
Safety again. Continue squaring all 6 sides of rough cut aluminum block. Edge finding. Locate and drill some accurate holes. Tapping by hand with spring tap guide, and then on pneumatic. Slots and pockets. Plunging, ramping, versus side entry. Center cutting end mills.
Day 3:
Safety again. Continue on milling machine. Explanation of bolt patterns, rotary tables, and possibly overview of what the 2 dimensional Accurite control can do.
Week 4: Lathe
Day 1:
Safety again. Intro to lathe. Lathe components, parts, and functions, and identification of same. Chucking, feeds and speeds. Over center, under center, and centered tooling. Lathe controls, motion in x-axis, z-axis, and the compound. Set up of tooling for turning, facing. OD versus radius on readout. Turn chuck by hand to ensure clearance. Take extreme care with filing, Never leave key in chuck. Let them work with aluminum, stainless, feeling the cut.
Day 2:
Safety again. Use of collets. Set up for center drilling and drilling, then maybe boring. Tapping with the center. Use of the compound. Parting off. Each student make a simple faced, stepped part in aluminum, to known dimensions, and part it off.
Day 3:
Safety again. Intro to threading, both external and internal, with demonstration of same. If there’s any time, maybe quick demo of knurling, now rarely used.
Week 5: Solidworks
Day 1:
Continue with Solidworks, tutorials and hands on. Since we have 3 machines and 6 or more people, may have to schedule this on a staggered basis. Start drawing parts; do part tutorial and drafting tutorial.
Day 2:
Solidworks, within the software
Day 3:
Start drawing a custom part, perhaps the one we make as a project, yet to be decided. Choose origin, extrude part, do drawing.
Week 6: Solidworks
Day 1:
Solidworks, work on project
Day 2:
Solidworks, work on project
Day 3:
Solidworks, work on project
Weeks, 7, 8, and 9: Projects
Shop open 6:30-3:00 via sign up sheet